We offer high load

Industrial floor

New construction, snaation & planning

Industrial floors of various types are one of the main areas of application for polyurea. Due to the high requirement profile on many levels, only a few building materials come into question. Polyurea should sometimes be the first choice here, as it is best suited in terms of both resilience and flexibility, as well as durability.


Our offer regarding industrial floors is extremely wide. Starting from the simple warehouse, manufacturing plants and factories to heavy industry, we offer floors of all types. There is almost no industrial floor or industrial floor requirement that we cannot meet.

Mostly, however, we use our innovative product Polyurea, which we offer in cooperation with BASF.

  • Warehouses
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Parking garages
  • (underground) garages
  • Lebesmittelindustrie
  • Laboratories
  • Factories
  • uvm.

Upon request, we will be happy to send you an individual offer or advise you on your future industrial floor coating.

Industrieboden Beschichtung

Features / advantages

Industrial floors are characterized by special properties. These must be fulfilled in order to be convincing in practice. Depending on the application, these can differ. Therefore, we completely customize the coating system to meet the requirements. Here is a brief overview of a wide variety of properties of our industrial floors, both chemical and physical.


Chemical properties and stability is of paramount importance in many applications for industrial flooring. Our industrial floor coatings are characterized by the following properties.

  • Acid resistant
  • Food safe
  • Flame & Burn Protection


Industrial floors are usually exposed to great physical loads and the requirements in this area are correspondingly high. Our industrial floors offer the following physical or mechanical properties:

  • Abrasion resistant
  • Crack resistant
  • Crack-bridging
  • Temperature stable
  • Osmosis protection
  • Waterproof
  • Electrically dissipative
  • UV Stable

Color variety

In principle, there are no limits to the variety of colors. Any RAL tone is possible. Starting from the standard light gray in RAL 7035 up to clear signal colors. Thus, polyurea offers many possibilities not only in terms of functionality, but also visually. This is definitely a big advantage over other building materials.


The surface of our industrial coatings can meet a wide range of parameters upon request. We allow a wide variety of slip classes as well as absolute smoothness depending on what is desired. In addition, the surface can be made stable to UV rays or other physical as well as chemical influences with a special final sealant.

industrial floor material

Basically, we offer a variety of materials and coating system. There is no such thing as the perfect system, but there is always the right system for the right application or purpose. Here again is an overview of our coating systems which we use most frequently for industrial floors.


Our first priority is clearly polyurea. It is the most widely used coating material by us when it comes to industrial floors of various types. Due to its high load-bearing capacity and flexibility as well as durability, it is among the best materials for almost any industrial coating in the floor area. It already fulfills the important properties in the standard blend and can be processed particularly quickly. This is important because industrial floors usually have to be applied quickly so as not to hold up ongoing operations.

costs / prices

The final m2 price of an industrial floor coating depends very much on the desired properties and the total area to be coated. Accordingly, it is not possible to quote flat-rate prices without having more precise information in advance.

Reference gallery

Here is a small excerpt of our previous references for industrial floors of all kinds. For further references or technical details, please feel free to contact us directly at any time.

Contact form

Initial technical consultationsinformation and offers are free of charge.

*Please provide all necessary information to allow for accurate bidding.

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